Module:Aligned table

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-- This module implements

local p = {}

local function isnotempty(s) return s and s:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) ~= end

function p.table(frame) local args = (frame.args[3] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args local entries = {} local colclass = {} local colstyle = {} local cols = tonumber(args['cols']) or 2

-- create the root table local root = mw.html.create('table')

-- add table style for fullwidth if isnotempty(args['fullwidth']) then root :css('width', '100%') :css('border-collapse', 'collapse') :css('border-spacing', '0px 0px') :css('border', 'none') end

-- add table classes if isnotempty(args['class']) then root:addClass(args['class']) end

-- add table style if isnotempty(args['style']) then root:cssText(args['style']) end

-- build arrays with the column styles and classes if isnotempty(args['leftright']) then colstyle[1] = 'text-align:left;' colstyle[2] = 'text-align:right;' end for i = 1,cols do colclass[ i ] = colclass[ i ] or colstyle[ i ] = colstyle[ i ] or if isnotempty(args['colstyle']) then colstyle[ i ] = args['colstyle'] .. ';' .. colstyle[ i ] end if isnotempty(args['colalign' .. tostring(i)]) then colstyle[ i ] = 'text-align:' .. args['colalign' .. tostring(i)] .. ';' .. colstyle[ i ] elseif isnotempty(args['col' .. tostring(i) .. 'align']) then colstyle[ i ] = 'text-align:' .. args['col' .. tostring(i) .. 'align'] .. ';' .. colstyle[ i ] elseif isnotempty(args['align' .. tostring(i)]) then colstyle[ i ] = 'text-align:' .. args['align' .. tostring(i)] .. ';' .. colstyle[ i ] end if isnotempty(args['colnowrap' .. tostring(i)]) then colstyle[ i ] = 'white-space:nowrap;' .. colstyle[ i ] elseif isnotempty(args['col' .. tostring(i) .. 'nowrap']) then colstyle[ i ] = 'white-space:nowrap;' .. colstyle[ i ] elseif isnotempty(args['nowrap' .. tostring(i)]) then colstyle[ i ] = 'white-space:nowrap;' .. colstyle[ i ] end if isnotempty(args['colwidth' .. tostring(i)]) then colstyle[ i ] = 'width:' .. args['colwidth' .. tostring(i)] .. ';' .. colstyle[ i ] elseif isnotempty(args['col' .. tostring(i) .. 'width']) then colstyle[ i ] = 'width:' .. args['col' .. tostring(i) .. 'width'] .. ';' .. colstyle[ i ] elseif isnotempty(args['colwidth']) then colstyle[ i ] = 'width:' .. args['colwidth'] .. ';' .. colstyle[ i ] end if isnotempty(args['colstyle' .. tostring(i)]) then colstyle[ i ] = colstyle[ i ] .. args['colstyle' .. tostring(i)] elseif isnotempty(args['col' .. tostring(i) .. 'style']) then colstyle[ i ] = colstyle[ i ] .. args['col' .. tostring(i) .. 'style'] elseif isnotempty(args['style' .. tostring(i)]) then colstyle[ i ] = colstyle[ i ] .. args['style' .. tostring(i)] end if isnotempty(args['colclass' .. tostring(i)]) then colclass[ i ] = args['colclass' .. tostring(i)] elseif isnotempty(args['col' .. tostring(i) .. 'class']) then colclass[ i ] = args['col' .. tostring(i) .. 'class'] elseif isnotempty(args['class' .. tostring(i)]) then colclass[ i ] = args['class' .. tostring(i)] end end -- compute the maximum cell index local cellcount = 0 for k, v in pairs( args ) do if type( k ) == 'number' then cellcount = math.max(cellcount, k) end end -- compute the number of rows local rows = math.ceil(cellcount / cols)

-- build the table content if isnotempty(args['title']) then local caption = root:tag('caption') caption:cssText(args['titlestyle']) caption:wikitext(args['title']) end if isnotempty(args['above']) then local row = root:tag('tr') local cell = row:tag('th') cell:attr('colspan', cols) cell:cssText(args['abovestyle']) cell:wikitext(args['above']) end for j=1,rows do -- start a new row local row = root:tag('tr') if isnotempty(args['rowstyle']) then row:cssText(args['rowstyle']) else row:css('vertical-align', 'top') end -- loop over the cells in the row for i=1,cols do local cell if isnotempty(args['row' .. tostring(j) .. 'header']) then cell = row:tag('th'):attr('scope','col') elseif isnotempty(args['col' .. tostring(i) .. 'header']) then cell = row:tag('th'):attr('scope','row') else cell = row:tag('td') end if args['class' .. tostring(j) .. '.' .. tostring(i)] then cell:addClass(args['class' .. tostring(j) .. '.' .. tostring(i)]) else if args['rowclass' .. tostring(j)] then cell:addClass(args['rowclass' .. tostring(j)]) elseif args['row' .. tostring(j) .. 'class'] then cell:addClass(args['row' .. tostring(j) .. 'class']) elseif args['rowevenclass'] and math.fmod(j,2) == 0 then cell:addClass(args['rowevenclass']) elseif args['rowoddclass'] and math.fmod(j,2) == 1 then cell:addClass(args['rowoddclass']) end if colclass[i] ~= then cell:addClass(colclass[i]) end end if args['style' .. tostring(j) .. '.' .. tostring(i)] then cell:cssText(args['style' .. tostring(j) .. '.' .. tostring(i)]) else if args['rowstyle' .. tostring(j)] then cell:cssText(args['rowstyle' .. tostring(j)]) elseif args['row' .. tostring(j) .. 'style'] then cell:cssText(args['row' .. tostring(j) .. 'style']) end if isnotempty(colstyle[i]) then cell:cssText(colstyle[i]) end end cell:wikitext(mw.ustring.gsub(args[cols*(j - 1) + i] or , '^(.-)%s*$', '%1') or ) end end -- return the root table return tostring(root) end

return p