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Bambox malabarica D.C.
Bambox malabarica D.C.
|title = Shalmali
|label1 = Section/Chapter
|data1 = Herb database/Shalmali
|label2 = Botanical name(s)
|data2 = Bambox malabarica D.C.
|label3 = Contributors
|data3 = --
|label4 = Year of publication
|data4 =  2023
|label5 = Publisher
|data5 =  [[Charak Samhita Research, Training and Skill Development Centre]]
|label6 = DOI
|data6  = Awaited
==English name==
==Synonyms in Charak Samhita==
Shalmali, Mocha, Pichhila, Sthirayu, Shalmaliniryasa (Mocha rasa), Shalmaliveshtaka, Pichha,
==Reference in Charak Samhita and its actions ==
{| class="wikitable"
|+'''Herbs and their activities'''
|'''Reference in Charak Samhita'''
|Sutra  sthana 4/9(32)
|Purishvirajaniya  mahakashaya
|Sutra  sthana 4/9(46)
|Shonitasthapana  mahakashaya
|Sutra  sthana 4/9(47)
|Vedanasthapana  mahakashaya
|Ch  Su 27/99
|Shaka Varga
|Ch  Su 27/104
|Shaka Varga
|Vaman dravyani
|Vimana  Sthana 8/144
|As an ingredient of Chandanadi taila.
|As pathya ahara.
|As an dingredient of kiratatiktadi churna.
|Used in gudagata raktapitta.
|Used in Nasagata raktapitta for Avapida nasya.
|Cha Sa.Chikitsa
Sthana 14/189
|Used in  kutajadi rasakriya
|Cha Sa.Chikitsa
Sthana 14/193
|Used in  raktarsha
|Cha Sa.Chikitsa
|Dadhisara  yoga is used in rakta arsha
|Cha Sa.Chikitsa
|As an  ingredient of pichcha basti
|Cha Sa.Chikitsa
|As an  ingredient of sunishanak changeri ghrit
|Used as  ingredient of yavagu
|As a yoga dravya in treatment of pittaj atisara.
|As an ingredient in nilotpaladi yoga.
|As a yoga dravya
|As a piccha basti dravya
|Used for avpeedana.
|As an  ingredient  of Urustambh nashak Yoga
|As an ingredient of Udumbaradi taila.
|As an ingredient of Pushyanuga churna.
|Used in the treatment of Pichhila yoni.
{| class="wikitable"
== Ayurvedic pharmacological properties ==
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Pharmacological criteria'''
|Taste  (rasa)
|Astringent (kashaya)
|Potency  (veerya)
|Cold (sheeta)
|Post  digestion effect (vipaka)
|Sweet (madhura)
|Qualities  (guna)
|Light (laghu), Unctuous (snigdha)
|Actions  (karma)
|Pacify Vata and Pitta
==Current availability ==
==Current researches ==
[[Category: Database of herbs and minerals | Herbs]]
  This article is under development ..
