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Samprapti means pathogenesis. The term signifies the mechanism starting from vitiation of dosha till the origin and complete manifestation / development of the disease. Further pathogenesis is classified into six types.(Code:SAT-C.123)[1]


  • Samkhya (Numerical classification):classification of the pathogenesis according to enumeration.
  • Pradhanya (Dominant factor):classification of the pathogenesis according to primary or secondary ailment.
  • Vidhi (Prognosis based classification):classification of the pathogenesis according to the categorization based on various aspects such as based on prognosis a disease can be classified as sadhya (easily curable), asadhya( incurable), krichrasadhya(difficult to cure) etc.
  • Vikalpa (fraction of dosha: classification of the pathogenesis according to the predominance of one or other fraction of the three dosha
  • Bala (intensity of pathogens): classification of the pathogenesis according to intensity of pathogens. This determines the strength of the disease.
  • Kala (time of aggravation): classification of the pathogenesis according to time of occurrence or aggravation of the disease.

More information

Jwara Nidana


  1. National AYUSH Morbidity and Standardized Terminologies Electronic Portal by Ministry of AYUSH Available on