
Revision as of 07:07, 29 April 2023 by Manishdubey (talk | contribs)

Withania somnifera

Section/Chapter Herb database/Ashwagandha
Botanical name(s) Withania somnifera
Contributors --
Year of publication 2023
Publisher Charak Samhita Research, Training and Skill Development Centre
DOI Awaited

English name


Synonyms in Charak Samhita


Reference in Charak Samhita and its actions

Herbs and their activities Reference in Charak Samhita Activity
1 Sutra sthana 4/9(2) Bruhaniya mahakashaya
2 Sutra sthana 4/9(7) Balya mahakashay
3 Ch.Vi.8/136 Virechana Dravyani
4 Ch Vi 8/139 Madhur skanda
5 Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 2/1/34 Ingredient in Vajikaran Ghrit
6 Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthan13/109 In treatment of Udara roga (for lepa)
7 Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthan14/50 Dhupan yoga in arsha roga
8 Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana17/117 Kshara mixed with madhuk ghrit used in hikka svasa.
9 As an ingredient of dhumapan yoga.
10 Cha.Sa.Chi.21/123 For pradeha prayoga in granthi visarpa.
11 Cha.Sa.Chi.23/70 As an ingredient of Gandha hasti agada.
12 Cha.Sa.Chi.23/80 As an ingredient of Maha -Gandha hasti agada.
13 Cha.Sa.Chi.23/244 As an ingredient of Amruta ghrita.
14 Ca.Sa. Chi.27/43 As an ingredient of Kusthadi Taila
15 Ca.Sa. Chi.22/50 As an ingredient of Utsadana Yoga
16 Cha.Sa.Chi.28/166
17 Cha.Sa.Chi.28/170 As an ingredient of Vrushamuladi taila.
18 Cha.Sa.Chi.28/173 As an ingredient of Mulaka taila.
19 Cha.Sa.chi.29/73 As an ingredient of Jeevakadi mahasneha.
20 Cha.Sa.Chi.30/260 As a paniya yoga, in the treatment of Stanya dosha.

Ayurvedic pharmacological properties

Properties Pharmacological criteria Properties
1 Taste (rasa)
2 Potency (veerya)
3 Post digestion effect (vipaka)
4 Qualities (guna)
5 Actions (karma)

Current availability


Current researches

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