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The division of the Rasayanadhyaya into four padas (parts) reflects an interesting style of classic writing simulating the style of the Yoga-Sutras of Patanjali aiming to emphasize the continuum of the deliberations which could be fragmented in the chapterization style. The tendency of pada style can also be visualized in the Sutrasthana of Caraka Samhita where all the thirty chapters have been systematically clubbed in seven chatushkas i.e. four chapters clubbed in one chatuska containing allied subject matter. Thus, Rasayanadhyaya is of great significance both from literary as well as from the subject matter point of view.
The division of the Rasayanadhyaya into four padas (parts) reflects an interesting style of classic writing simulating the style of the Yoga-Sutras of Patanjali aiming to emphasize the continuum of the deliberations which could be fragmented in the chapterization style. The tendency of pada style can also be visualized in the Sutrasthana of Caraka Samhita where all the thirty chapters have been systematically clubbed in seven chatushkas i.e. four chapters clubbed in one chatuska containing allied subject matter. Thus, Rasayanadhyaya is of great significance both from literary as well as from the subject matter point of view.
The first part Abhayamalakiya Rasayana pada begins with the path breaking statement about bheshaja-abheshaj i.e. good medicine vs bad medicine. The bad medicines are poisons while the good medicines are of two categories 1. Ojovardhaka i.e. heath promoting, 2. Roganut or disease curing. The ojovardhaka remedies again are of two categories namely rasayana and vajeekarana. The chapter further describes the qualities of rasayana and the methods of its use. It specially dwells upon the best rasayana drugs like Amalaki, Abhaya, Chyavanaprasha, Brahma rasayana, Amalaka rasayana, Haritaki yoga etc.
The first part Abhayamalakiya Rasayana pada begins with the path breaking statement about bheshaja-abheshaj i.e. good medicine vs bad medicine. The bad medicines are poisons while the good medicines are of two categories:
The second part – Pranakamiya rasayana pada deliberates on rasayana prabhava with examples of certain special aushadhi rasayanas like Amalaki Ghrita, Amalakyavaleha, Amalaka churna, Vidangavaleha, Nagabala rasayana, Baladi rasayana, Bhallataka kshira etc.
# Ojovardhaka i.e. heath promoting, and
# Roganut or disease curing.  
The ojovardhaka remedies again are of two categories,namely, rasayana and vajikarana. The chapter further describes the qualities of rasayana and the methods of its use. It specially dwells upon the best rasayana drugs like Amalaki, Abhaya, Chyavanaprasha, Brahma rasayana, Amalaka rasayana, Haritaki yoga etc.
The second part – Pranakamiya rasayanapadam deliberates on rasayana prabhava with examples of certain special aushadhi rasayanas like Amalaki Ghrita, Amalakyavaleha, Amalaka churna, Vidangavaleha, Nagabala rasayana, Baladi rasayana, Bhallataka kshira etc.
The third part - Karaprachitiya rasayana pada describes the role of brahmacharyadi karma (following code of conduct) in rasayana karma, kevalamalaka rasayan, Lauhadi rasayana, Aindri rasayana, Medhya rasayana, Pippali Rasayana, Shilajatu rasayan etc.
The third part - Karaprachitiya rasayana pada describes the role of brahmacharyadi karma (following code of conduct) in rasayana karma, kevalamalaka rasayan, Lauhadi rasayana, Aindri rasayana, Medhya rasayana, Pippali Rasayana, Shilajatu rasayan etc.
The fourth part - Ayurveda Samutthaniya Rasayana pada deliberates on Ayurveda tradition, Indrokta rasayana, Dronipraveshika rasayana, kutipraveshika rasayan, Achara rasayana besides the basic issues like Dharmartha Ayurveda prayoga (use of Ayurveda for performing eternal duties) and Bhishak  prashansa (praise of physician).
The fourth part - Ayurveda Samutthaniya Rasayana pada deliberates on Ayurveda tradition, Indrokta rasayana, Dronipraveshika rasayana, kutipraveshika rasayan, Achara rasayana besides the basic issues like Dharmartha Ayurveda prayoga (use of Ayurveda for performing eternal duties) and Bhishak  prashansa (praise of physician).