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<p style="text-align:justify;">Matra basti normalizes vata leading to proper elimination of flatus, faeces, urine, etc. and causes better physiological functioning of vata dosha. Basti dravya spreads all over the body, pacifies the aggravated vata dosha. Basti works on the whole body after entering pakvashaya (large intestine) or  guda (anus). Guda (anus) is said to be the root of body (sharira mula) having sira (veins) and dhamani (arteries), which spreads all over the body.<ref name="ref6">Pandey Gangasahay, editor. Pt. Kashinath Sastri Vidhyotini Hindi commentary on Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, Siddhi Sthan Adhyaya 1/31. Varanasi: Chaukumba Bharti Academy, 2015.</ref> It exerts local as well as systemic effects. Basti regulates vata and clears the bowel by eliminating accumulated faecal matter thus improving its physiological function. <br/>The veerya (potency)  of basti drug, first reaches the functional area of apana vayu and nourishes it. After that it acts on samana vayu and vyana vayu. It acts on udana vayu and prana vayu and nourishes them. All five of these, vata subtypes support health when they reach their typical condition. When pitta and kapha are brought into normalcy and are given sustenance, the veerya (potency)  of basti medication causes changes in the body. <br/>Thus, basti in general and matra basti in particular regulates vata dosha which in turn regulates body physiology thus helps  restore the state of homeostasis.<ref name="ref7">Shastri L, editor. Siddhidsthana. 1st ed. Baidyanath Ayurved Bhavan Pvt. Ltd; 1989. Ashtanga Samgraha with Sarvanga Sundari Vyakhya; p. 1105. </ref> </p>
<p style="text-align:justify;">Matra basti normalizes vata leading to proper elimination of flatus, faeces, urine, etc. and causes better physiological functioning of vata dosha. Basti dravya spreads all over the body, pacifies the aggravated vata dosha. Basti works on the whole body after entering pakvashaya (large intestine) or  guda (anus). Guda (anus) is said to be the root of body (sharira mula) having sira (veins) and dhamani (arteries), which spreads all over the body.<ref name="ref6">Pandey Gangasahay, editor. Pt. Kashinath Sastri Vidhyotini Hindi commentary on Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, Siddhi Sthan Adhyaya 1/31. Varanasi: Chaukumba Bharti Academy, 2015.</ref> It exerts local as well as systemic effects. Basti regulates vata and clears the bowel by eliminating accumulated faecal matter thus improving its physiological function. <br/>The veerya (potency)  of basti drug, first reaches the functional area of apana vayu and nourishes it. After that it acts on samana vayu and vyana vayu. It acts on udana vayu and prana vayu and nourishes them. All five of these, vata subtypes support health when they reach their typical condition. When pitta and kapha are brought into normalcy and are given sustenance, the veerya (potency)  of basti medication causes changes in the body. <br/>Thus, basti in general and matra basti in particular regulates vata dosha which in turn regulates body physiology thus helps  restore the state of homeostasis.<ref name="ref7">Shastri L, editor. Siddhidsthana. 1st ed. Baidyanath Ayurved Bhavan Pvt. Ltd; 1989. Ashtanga Samgraha with Sarvanga Sundari Vyakhya; p. 1105. </ref> </p>
== Contemporary physiological effect of matra basti ==
<ol type="a" style="text-align:justify;"><li>By absorption mechanism: <br/>The rectum has rich blood and lymph supply and drugs can cross the rectal mucosa like other lipid membrane. Thus, unionized and lipid soluble substances are readily absorbed from the rectal mucosa. Small quantity of short chain fatty acids (SCFA), such as those from butterfat are absorbed directly into portal blood rather than being converted into triglycerides. This is because short chain fatty acids are more water soluble and allow direct diffusion from the epithelial cells into capillary blood of villi. <br/>Matra basti after reaching the rectum and colon causes secretion of bile from gall bladder which leads to the formation of conjugate micelles which is absorbed through passive diffusion. Especially short chain fatty acid present in unctuous substance (sneha of anuvasana basti) may absorb from colon and large intestine part of gastrointestinal tract and break the pathology of disease. </li>
<li>By system biology concept: <br/>The latest concept of system biology makes this clearer how basti can act on the various systems. This theory believes that all the organs are interconnected at molecular level. Any molecular incident is transformed at cellular level, then tissue level and ultimately at organ level. Each molecule of the body is in contact with another molecule of body directly or indirectly. If we alter the pathophysiology at one level then it results into changes in pathophysiology at another level. Thus, whatever the effects of basti are on gastro intestinal system, it will definitely affect another system and helps to achieve the bodily internal homeostasis. </li>
<li>By neural stimulation mechanism: <br/>The gastrointestinal system has a network of nerve fibers, which is known as ‘Enteric Nervous System (ENS). Similar to brain ENS sends and receives impulses, record experiences and responds to various stimuli. Its nerve cells are bathed and influenced by same neurotransmitters. Gut brain (ENS) is located in the sheaths of tissue lining the esophagus to colon. Considered a single entity, it is a network of neurons, possessing neurotransmitters and proteins that zap messages between neurons and regulates functioning of body like those found in brain proper and a complex circle that enables to act independently, learn, remember and produce gut feeling. The gut’s brain reportedly plays a major role in human happiness and misery. Many gastrointestinal disorders like colitis and irritable bowel syndrome originate from problems within gut’s brain. ENS is loosely connected with central nervous system (CNS) through vagus nerve and can mostly function alone, without instruction from top. Internal viscera are again highly supplied with nerve fiber of Autonomic Nervous System which in turn has connection with CNS. The gut contains 100 million neurons, more than that of in the spinal cord. Major neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, norepinephrine and nitric oxide are in the gut. Also, two dozen small brain proteins, called neuropeptides are there along with the major cells of immune system. ENS works in synergy with the CNS. Stimulation with basti (either by chemo or mechanoreceptors) may lead to activation of concerned part of CNS which precipitates result circle that enables to act independently, learn, remember and produce gut feeling. Again, it is not mandatory for a drug to stay in long time contact to the receptor e. g. like in proton pump inhibitor where drug interacts and gets flushed out from circulation, it is known as “HIT AND RUN MODULE” of pharmacodynamics. </li></ol>
== Research works with their outcome on Matra Basti ==