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Tamas means darkness, illusion, ignorance, inertia, inactivity, dullness etc. It is one of the three fundamental qualities along with sattva and rajas. Tamas has two significant characters i.e. resistance and heaviness. These are responsible for restraining or controlling thoughts. It induces lethargy, fatigue, sleep etc. As per Bhagavad Gita, tamas is responsible for ignorance and sleep. It is the leading cause of darkness in the mind, negligence & delusion, illusion & hallucinations.[1]The excessive lazy and sleepy person has a tamas dominant psychic constitution (Tamasika manas prakriti). [ Cha. Sa. ShariraSthana 4/36]This article describes the concept and applications of tamas.

Section/Chapter/topic Concepts/Tamas
Authors Bhojani M. K. 1,
Kabadwal Dipti2
Reviewer Basisht G.2,
Editor Deole Y.S.3
Affiliations 1 Department of Sharir Kriya, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India
2Department of Samhita Siddhant, A.I.I.A., New Delhi, India
3 Rheumatologist, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
4Department ofKayachikitsa, G.J.Patel Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research, New Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India
Correspondence emails


Publisher Charak Samhita Research, Training and Development Centre, I.T.R.A., Jamnagar, India
Date of publication: November 21, 2022
DOI In process

Etymology and derivation

Tamas is the Sanskrit word that means darkness, inert, dullness or inactivity.[2] It is derived from the word ‘tama’ meaning darkness.

Classical interpretations

Sattva, rajas, and tamas are connected with three doshas (Vata, pitta, kapha) [Su. Sa. ShariraSthana 4/23] Therefore, all neurophysiological functions of the body are coordinated by them. Tamas has been described in the context of three types of mental strengths (trividha sattva), psychological constitutions (prakriti), & psychological characteristics (manasaguna). [Cha. Sa. ShariraSthana 4/36]

  • It is mentioned in the context of three fundamental universal qualities (mahaguna) [As Sa, sutra sthana 1/41].
  • Tama is described under mahaprakriti [Su. Sa. ShariraSthana 4/97] & twelve pranas. [Su. Sa. ShariraSthana 4/3]
  • Tamas is described as karanadravya. (Acharya Prabhakara)


  1. Mrunalini R. Patel, BSc. Applying the knowledge of ayurveda to appraise the US nutritional paradigm. California College of Ayurveda. 2010 Nov 24.
  2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org