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'''<big>[[Siddhi Sthana]] Chapter 4. Management of complications of unctuous enema therapy</big>'''
'''<big>[[Siddhi Sthana]] Chapter 4. Management of complications of unctuous enema therapy</big>'''
<big>''' Abstract </big>'''
The fourth chapter of [[Siddhi Sthana]], [[Snehavyapat Siddhi]], deals with various formulations of ''sneha basti'' (unctuous enema) and management of complications caused due to its improper administration. ''Sneha basti'' formulations, their clinical applications, reasons for ''sneha basti'' occlusion, symptoms of impediment, ailments caused by administration of ''basti'' on empty stomach, their treatments and ''matra basti'', etc. have been explained in detail in this chapter. Vitiated ''doshas'' , excess food, and stools are responsible for obstructions and empty stomach administration leads to improper movement of ''sneha basti''. Liquid, hot, light, wholesome food and warm water use have been suggested for avoidance of these complications.
Continuous excess use of both ''anuvasana'' and ''niruha'' is to be avoided as they cause ''utklesha- agnimandya'' (aggravation of ''kapha-pitta dosha'', decrease in digestion and metabolic process) and ''vata prakopa'' (vitiation of ''vata'') respectively. ''Matra basti'', that is similar to lowest dose of oleation, can be used in any season with no dietary restrictions.
'''Keywords''': Impediments of ''sneha basti'' (unctuous enema), oleation therapy, ''abhuktapraneeta'' (empty stomach administration), ''annavrita'' (occluded due to food), ''kaphavrita'' ( occluded due to ''kapha''), ''pittavrita'' (occluded due to ''pitta''), ''pureeshavrita'' (occluded due to feces), ''snehabastivyapad, vatavrita'' (occluded due to ''vata'').
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=== Abstract ===
The fourth chapter of [[Siddhi Sthana]], [[Snehavyapat Siddhi]], deals with various formulations of ''sneha basti'' (unctuous enema) and management of complications caused due to its improper administration. ''Sneha basti'' formulations, their clinical applications, reasons for ''sneha basti'' occlusion, symptoms of impediment, ailments caused by administration of ''basti'' on empty stomach, their treatments and ''matra basti'', etc. have been explained in detail in this chapter. Vitiated ''doshas'' , excess food, and stools are responsible for obstructions and empty stomach administration leads to improper movement of ''sneha basti''. Liquid, hot, light, wholesome food and warm water use have been suggested for avoidance of these complications.
Continuous excess use of both ''anuvasana'' and ''niruha'' is to be avoided as they cause ''utklesha- agnimandya'' (aggravation of ''kapha-pitta dosha'', decrease in digestion and metabolic process) and ''vata prakopa'' (vitiation of ''vata'') respectively. ''Matra basti'', that is similar to lowest dose of oleation, can be used in any season with no dietary restrictions.
'''Keywords''': Impediments of ''sneha basti'' (unctuous enema), oleation therapy, ''abhuktapraneeta'' (empty stomach administration), ''annavrita'' (occluded due to food), ''kaphavrita'' ( occluded due to ''kapha''), ''pittavrita'' (occluded due to ''pitta''), ''pureeshavrita'' (occluded due to feces), ''snehabastivyapad, vatavrita'' (occluded due to ''vata'').
=== Introduction ===
=== Introduction ===

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