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<big>'''Sutra Sthana Chapter 13. Oleation therapies'''</big>  
<big>'''Sutra Sthana Chapter 13. Oleation therapies - Snehadhyaya'''</big>
<div style="text-align:justify;">Kalpana chatushka (tetrad on applications of medicine) starts with the chapter on oleation therapy. This chapter describes details of oleation therapy including the sources of lipids, types, properties, administration method, time, dose, alternative methods of administration in the form of recipe (vicharana), indications, contraindications, symptoms of proper, inadequate and excess oleation. Adipose tissue in the form of fat is essential components of body it provides lubrication to all viscera and other interstitial spaces due to its unctuous property. Lipids are integral part of cell membrane that allows entry of lipid soluble substances/drugs into the cells. The selection of lipids for oleation therapy depends upon the specific integrity of gut, severity of the disease, and specific indications of lipids. Lipids processed with medicines can be prescribed in diabetes or skin diseases where natural fact is contra-indicated. Apt oleation therapy results in normal functions of vata, increase in digestive power, softening of (hard) faeces, and making the body supple and soft.  Improper implementation of methods or violation of guidelines results in complications such as skin diseases, itching, haemorrhoids, ascitis, fainting, indigestion etc. Oleation and sudation are pre-requisites or pre-treatment procedures for purification (shodhana) therapies to aid in moving vitiated dosha to gut (for an eventual expelling out of the body and achieve purification). The present chapter can be considered as a first step in purification therapies described. </div>
'''Keywords''': ''Sneha''(lipids), ''snehana'' (oleation therapy), fat and lipid metabolism, ''abhyanga'' (therapeutic massage), ghee, oil, marrow, fat, alternative options for oleation therapy.
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=== Abstract ===
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Thirteenth chapter of [[Charak Samhita]] describes details of oleation therapy including the sources of lipids, types, properties, administration method, time, dose, alternative methods of administration in the form of recipe (''vicharana''), indications, contraindications, symptoms of proper, inadequate and excess oleation. Lipids are essential components of body as the ''meda dhatu'' (lipids) provides lubrication to all viscera and other interstetial spaces due to its ''snigdha'' (unctuous) qualities. ''Meda dhatu'' (lipids) is an integral part of cell membrane that allows entry of lipid soluble substances/drugs into the cells. The selection of lipids for oleation therapy depends upon the specific integrity of gut, severity of the disease, and specific indications of lipids. Those contra-indicated for use of natural fat as in diabetes or skin diseases, can consume medicated lipids. Properly done oleation results in proper downward movement of ''vata'', increase in digestive power, softening of (hard) feces, and making the body supple and soft. Improper implementation of methods or violation of guidelines results in complications such as skin diseases, itching, haemorrhoids, ascitis, fainting, indigestion etc. Oleation and sudation are pre-requisites or pre-treatment procedures for ''shodhana'' (purification) therapies to aid in moving vitiated ''dosha'' to gut (for an eventual expelling out of the body and achieve purification). The present chapter can be considered as a first step in purification therapies described.
'''Keywords''': ''Sneha''(lipids), ''snehana'' (oleation therapy), fat and lipid metabolism, ''abhyanga'' (therapeutic massage).
=== Introduction ===
=== Introduction ===