In ''pitta'' dominant type of ''unmada'', the patients should be given ''tikta'', and ''jivaniya ghrita'' (ghee cooked with bitter and vitalisers e.g. ''maha tiktaka ghrita'' ([[Chikitsa Sthana]] chapter 7 ) and ''jivaniya ghrita'' ([[Chikitsa Sthana]] chapter 29) and ''mishraka sneha'' ([[Chikitsa Sthana]] chapter 5) are efficacious. Moreover, the patient should be given cold, sweet and soft food and drinks or the physician should perform blood-letting vein situated at the joining place of temple and the end of hair line in ''unmada'', irregular fever and epilepsy. [76-77] | In ''pitta'' dominant type of ''unmada'', the patients should be given ''tikta'', and ''jivaniya ghrita'' (ghee cooked with bitter and vitalisers e.g. ''maha tiktaka ghrita'' ([[Chikitsa Sthana]] chapter 7 ) and ''jivaniya ghrita'' ([[Chikitsa Sthana]] chapter 29) and ''mishraka sneha'' ([[Chikitsa Sthana]] chapter 5) are efficacious. Moreover, the patient should be given cold, sweet and soft food and drinks or the physician should perform blood-letting vein situated at the joining place of temple and the end of hair line in ''unmada'', irregular fever and epilepsy. [76-77] |