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== Smruti (Memory) ==
== Smruti (Memory) ==
=='''What is smruti?'''==
==What is smruti?==
*One of the eight superpowers of knowledge:
*One of the eight superpowers of knowledge:
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*One important attribute of examiner:
*One important attribute of examiner:
हितमेवानुरुध्यन्ते [१] प्रपरीक्ष्य परीक्षकाः|  
हितमेवानुरुध्यन्ते प्रपरीक्ष्य परीक्षकाः|  
रजोमोहावृतात्मानः प्रियमेव तु लौकिकाः||३६||  
रजोमोहावृतात्मानः प्रियमेव तु लौकिकाः||३६||  
श्रुतं बुद्धिः स्मृतिर्दाक्ष्यं धृतिर्हितनिषेवणम्|  
श्रुतं बुद्धिः स्मृतिर्दाक्ष्यं धृतिर्हितनिषेवणम्|  
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The examiner shall possess good memory of scientific knowledge in order to examine, validate and authenticate observations. (Cha.Su.28/37)
The examiner shall possess good memory of scientific knowledge in order to examine, validate and authenticate observations. (Cha.Su.28/37)
==How it works?==
* Important quality of Apta (authorities) to consider as proof:
आप्ता ह्यवितर्कस्मृतिविभागविदो निष्प्रीत्युपतापदर्शिनश्च|
आयुर्वेददीपिका व्याख्या (चक्रपाणिदत्त कृत): तिस्रैषणीये प्रथममनुमानादिलक्षणान्युक्तानि, पुनरिह ‘तत्रोपदेशो नाम’ इत्यादिनाऽऽप्तोपदेशादिलक्षणाभिधानं प्रकरणागतत्वात् क्रियते, प्राकरणिको ह्यर्थोऽनुच्यमानो न्यूनो भवति| अवितर्केत्यादि|- वितर्कः कथन्ता अनिश्चितज्ञानमिति यावत्, स्मृतिः स्मरणज्ञानं, विभाग एकदेशः; एतद्विपर्ययान्निश्चयेनानुभवेन च कार्त्स्न्येन च ये भावान् जानते, तेऽवितर्कस्मृतिविभागविदः| वितर्कादिवेदी तु नाप्तः, प्रतिपाद्यवस्त्वशेषविशेषाविज्ञानात्| स्मृतिज्ञानं च यद्यपि प्रमाणमूलमेव, तथाऽपि वर्तमानक्षणे स्मृतिज्ञानविषयार्थस्य नावश्यविद्यमानतेति न तत् प्रमाणमिति भावः; किंवा, स्मृतिज्ञानं स्मृतिशास्त्रजं ज्ञानं गणितज्ञानं च; एतच्च ज्ञानद्वयं साक्षादर्थादर्शकं दुरवबोधेन मिथ्याज्ञानत्वसम्भवादप्रमाणमपीति नोपादेयम्|
The experiential knowledge of science and statistics in memory is considered as authentic proof given by Apta(authority).(Cha.Vi.4/4)
*Important quality of a disciple:
धृतिमन्तमनहङ्कृतं मेधाविनं वितर्कस्मृतिसम्पन्नमुदारसत्त्वं |
Good memory is important quality of a disciple. This quality is assessed by a teacher while examining the student.(Cha.Vi.8/8 and 13)
*Characteristic sign of Sattva Sara (purity of mind):
स्मृतिमन्तो भक्तिमन्तः कृतज्ञाः प्राज्ञाः शुचयो महोत्साहा दक्षा धीराः समरविक्रान्तयोधिनस्त्यक्तविषादाः सुव्यवस्थितगतिगम्भीरबुद्धिचेष्टाः कल्याणाभिनिवेशिनश्च सत्त्वसाराः|
Smrutimanta i.e. a person with good memory is first and foremost sign of a person with utmost purity of  mind. This is also one of the sign of great mental strength and objective to attain while treating mental disorders. (Cha.Vi.8/110)
== Origin of Smruti and its functioning ==
*Smruti of previous life (after rebirth) due to soul:
अहङ्कारः फलं कर्म देहान्तरगतिः स्मृतिः|
विद्यते सति भूतानां कारणे देहमन्तरा||५२||
In living beings, the soul is responsible for ego, enjoyment of the result of deeds, engagement in deeds, transmigration from one body to another body, and keeping the memory of previous life (after rebirth). (Cha.Sha.1/52)
*Smruti is related with soul:
इच्छा द्वेषः सुखं दुःखं प्रयत्नश्चेतना धृतिः|
बुद्धिः स्मृतिरहङ्कारो लिङ्गानि परमात्मनः||७२||
आयुर्वेददीपिका व्याख्या (चक्रपाणिदत्त कृत):स्मृतिस्तु पूर्वानुभूतार्थस्मर्तारं स्थायिनमात्मानं गमयतीत्याद्यनुसरणीयम्|
Smruti (memory) is a sign of consciousness or living being as it is a power of soul. The memory with soul is in dormant state and needs to be revealed after practice of meditation. The other type of memory includes experiential knowledge which comes after life experiences. It is possible that with extreme practice of meditation, the memory of soul gets connected with experiential memory and the person can remember knowledge of previous life(after rebirth).(Cha.Sha.1/72)
==what are the factors affecting it?==
==what are the factors affecting it?==
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The episode of acute alcoholism can affect the intellectual functions of grasping, restraining and memory. (Cha.Su.25/40)
The episode of acute alcoholism can affect the intellectual functions of grasping, restraining and memory. (Cha.Su.25/40)
*Smruti vibhramsha is cause of all miseries:
धीधृतिस्मृतिविभ्रंशः सम्प्राप्तिः कालकर्मणाम्|
असात्म्यार्थागमश्चेति ज्ञातव्या दुःखहेतवः||९८||
Smruti vibhramsha is one of the cause of all miseries. (Cha.Sha.1/98)
तत्त्वज्ञाने स्मृतिर्यस्य रजोमोहावृतात्मनः|
भ्रश्यते स स्मृतिभ्रंशः स्मर्तव्यं हि स्मृतौ स्थितम्||१०१||
आयुर्वेददीपिका व्याख्या (चक्रपाणिदत्त कृत): स्मृतिभ्रंशं विवेचयति- तत्त्वेत्यादि| तत्त्वज्ञाने स्मृतिर्यस्य भ्रश्यत इति योजना| स्मर्तव्यं हि स्मृतौ स्थितमिति स्मर्तव्यत्वेन सम्मतस्यार्थस्य स्मरणं प्रशस्तस्मृतिधर्मः| तत्र च तत्त्वज्ञानस्य शिष्टानां स्मर्तव्यत्वेन सम्मतस्य यदस्मरणं, तत् स्मृत्यपराधाद्भवतीत्यर्थः||१०१||
The smruti is impaired due to covering of Rajas and Tamas over Atma, leading to impairment of knowledge of truth. This leads to mis-deeds. (Cha.Sha.1/101)
*  Disorder of Smruti is important cardinal sign of psychiatric disorders:
*Smruti vibhrama in Unmada(insanity):
उन्मादं पुनर्मनोबुद्धिसञ्ज्ञाज्ञानस्मृतिभक्तिशीलचेष्टाचारविभ्रमं [१] विद्यात्||५||
आयुर्वेददीपिका व्याख्या (चक्रपाणिदत्त कृत): स्मृतिविभ्रमात्तु न स्मरति, अयथावद्वा स्मरति|
The perversion of memory is cardinal sign of Unmada. It is reflected as complete or partial loss of memory. (Cha.Ni.7/5)
*Smruti samplav (abnormality) in Apasmara(epilepsy):
अपस्मारं पुनः स्मृतिबुद्धिसत्त्वसम्प्लवाद्बीभत्सचेष्टमावस्थिकं तमः प्रवेशमाचक्षते||५||
Smruti samplav means abnormal memory function is cardinal sign of Apasmara (epilepsy). (Cha.Ni.8/5)
==Can it be increased?==
==Can it be increased?==
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The flesh of tortoise and turtle can generate memory.(Cha.Su.27/84)
The flesh of tortoise and turtle can generate memory.(Cha.Su.27/84)
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