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The word ‘Dosha’ literally means impurities or morbidities. In Ayurveda, dosha are the governing principles of physiology and psychology. They are the primary and essential constitutional factors of the human organism. They maintain the integrity of the human body. [Su.Sa. Sutra Sthana 21/23] The three dosha at physical level, vata, pitta, and kapha, vitiate different body tissues and can lead to diseases in disequilibrium state. [SAT-B.382] [1] They are the actual intrinsic factors which become excited and imbalanced, either conferring a predisposition to or actually causing morbidities disease (vyadhi). Their state of equilibrium is one of the important pre-requisite for disease free state (arogya) [Cha.Sa. Sutra Sthana 9/4] and health [Su.Sa. Sutra Sthana 15/48]. The dosha have been correlated with systems theory in the field of physics, providing a sound theoretical basis for this Ayurvedic concept, and research utilizing a biostatistical approach to quantify the dosha reveals a sound empirical basis as well. Being the units of microcosm in body, the three dosha, kapha, pitta and vata, maintain integrity of the organism by creating, assimilating and diffusing strength in the same way as the Moon (soma), Sun(surya) and Air (anila), maintain integrity of the macrocosm respectively. [Su.Sa. Sutra Sthana 21/8]

Section/Chapter/topic Sharira / Dosha
Authors Deole Y.S.1, Shilwant A.A.2
Reviewed by Basisht G.1

1Charak Samhita Research, Training and Development Centre, I.P.G.T.& R.A., Jamnagar, Gujarat, India

2Department of Kriya Sharir, G.J.Patel Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research, New Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat, India
Correspondence email:
Date of first publication: ???

Etymology and derivation

The word dosha is derived from Sanskrit root ‘dusha’ meaning causing abnormalities (vaikrutye).

Types and sub types of dosha

The dosha are broadly categorized into two:

  1. Somatic or physical level (sharira dosha): Three dosha viz. vata, pitta and kapha.
  2. Psychic or mental level (manas dosha): Two dosha viz. rajas and tamas. [Cha.Sa. Sutra Sthana 1/ 57]

The present article describes somatic or physical dosha.

Origin of dosha

Dosha at physical level originate from five fundamental elements (pancha mahabhuta). Vata dosha originates from vayu and akasha mahabhuta; Pitta dosha from agni mahabhuta and kapha dosha from combination of aap and prithvi mahabhuta. The dosha represent functions of dominant mahabhuta in the body at gross level. They can be principles of regulators, enhancers or inhibitors of the physiological functions.

Subtypes of dosha

Each physical dosha has five subtypes based on their functions and sites.

  1. Vata dosha: Prana, Udana, Samana, Vyana, Apana
  2. Pitta dosha: Pachaka, Ranjaka, Sadhaka, Alochaka, Bhrajaka
  3. Kapha dosha: Avalambaka, Kledaka, Bodhaka, Tarpaka, Shleshaka [A.Hr. Sutra Sthana 12]

Functions of dosha

The dosha govern all the physiological activities. Growth and development (upachaya), strength (bala), complexion (varna), blissful state (prasannata) depends upon them. [Cha.Sa. Sutra Sthana 20] Vata governs functions in the body related to initiation and movement e. g. food through the digestive tract, transportation of oxygen in the bloodstream, communication between cells via nerve impulses, excretion of metabolic wastes etc. Pitta governs functions that relate to transformation (e.g., digestion of food, processes of metabolism, etc.), hunger, thirst, vision, sensory perception, intelligence, complexion, and heat generation. Kapha governs the structure and cohesion of the body. It relates with function of strength, stability and moisture in body. [A. Hr. Sutra Sthana 11/1-3]

Properties of dosha

The dosha act through their properties (guna). The properties (guna) are responsible for showing specific effect (karma). Dosha govern the functions related to that property and lead to resultant effect. Therefore, these properties are also applied as parameters to assess normal and abnormal states of dosha in body. The resultant effect is observed clinically.

Table 1: Properties of Dosha

Sr.No Parameter of effect Vata Dosha Pitta Dosha Kapha Dosha
1 Specific gravity/weight/volume Lightness (laghu) -- Heaviness (guru)
2 Unctuousness portion Dryness (ruksha) Slightly unctuous (sa-sneha) Unctuous (snigdha)
3 Temperature and potency Cold (sheeta) Hot (ushna) Cold (sheeta)
4 Touch /texture Roughness (khara) -- Unctuous/slimy
5 Duration of effect Quickly acting (ashukari), short lasting effect (alpa), cyclic tendency (muhushchari) Sharp or pungent (tikshna)/ quick acting, severe effect Prolong duration of action (chirakari). Long lasting effect, and mild (manda)
6 Movability Moving (chala) Slightly movable (sara) Stable or immovable (sthira)
7 Consistency Subtle (sukshma) Liquid (drava) Slimy, sticky (pichhila)
8 Taste -- Sour (amla), pungent (katu) in taste [8] Sweet (madhura) in taste
9 Psychological co-relate Rajas Sattva Tamas
10 Other properties Cleansing or Non-slimy (vishad), Severely acting (daruna)[5], conducive (yogavahi) [6], Can move oblique or in any direction (tiryag gami), responsible for sound (shabda) and touch(sparsha) perception [6] Foul smelling (vistra) --

Charak Samhita[2] Sushrut Samhita[3] Ashtanga Hridaya[4] Kashyap Samhita[5] Sharangdhara Samhita[6]

Primary centers of dosha

These are omnipresent throughout the body. However, their primary centres are located in below umbilicus (vata dosha), between umbilicus and cardiac region (pitta dosha) and above cardiac region (kapha dosha). [A. Hr. Sutra Sthana 1/7] More specifically, vata dosha regulates the functions in the regions of large intestine (pakvashaya), lumbar region (kati), thighs (sakthi), ears (shrotra), bones (asthi) and skin (sparshanendriay). Pitta dosha regulates functions in umbilicus (nabhi), stomach (amashaya), sweat glands (sweda), lymphatics (lasika), blood (rudhira), nutrient fluids (rasa), eyes(drik), and skin (sparshana). Kapha dosha regulates functions in chest, throat, head (shira), all joints (parva), stomach(amashaya), nutrient fluids (rasa), adipose tissue (meda), nose (ghrana) and tongue(jivha). [A.Hr.Sutra Sthana 12/1-3]

Affinity of vitiation

Dosha primarily vitiate their own sites of body constituents (dhatu and mala). The vata dosha resides in and vitiates bones (asthi); pitta dosha vitiates sweat (sweda) and blood (rakta dhatu). Kapha dosha affects all remaining body constituents like nutrient fluids (rasa dhatu), muscle tissue (mamsa dhatu), adipose tissue (meda dhatu), bone marrow(majja), reproductive constituents (shukra dhatu), urine (mutra) and stools (purisha). [A.Hr. Sutra Sthana 11/26]

These sites are important in diagnosis of origin of disease pathology, site of lesion, and target oriented treatments.

Importance of dosha

Dosha are the fundamental principles of body that are responsible for every physiological as well as pathological events in the body. [Su.Sa. Sutra Sthana 15/3, Sutra Sthana 16, A.Hr.Sutra Sthana 11] Dosha form the fundamental body constitution (prakriti), play vital role in digestion and metabolism (agni), preserve and maintain health while in state of equilibrium.

Body constitution or phenotype (dosha prakriti)

The body constitution (prakriti) of a person is based upon the relative proportions of the three dosha. The equilibrium or dominance of dosha at the time of formation of embryo determines the body constitution (deha prakriti). [Cha.Sa. Sutra Sthana 7/40] This proportion is further modulated by the diet and lifestyle of mother, age, and the environment in which the person grows to generate the unique dosha-prakriti of the individual. The individual shows characteristic features of respective dominant dosha in prakriti. It is very similar to the phenotype in modern biology. Thus, the current genetic paradigms believe that the phenotype of individual results from interaction between genotype (established at fertilization) and the environment, which includes epigenetic changes resulting from parental age, diet, lifestyle, and other environmental factors. Genomic variations with the classification of prakriti are studied. It is observed that PGM1 correlates with phenotype of pitta prakriti. This suggests that the phenotypic classification has a genetic basis; and its prakriti-based practice resonates with personalized medicine. The relation between clinical phenotype and predisposition of disease is studied. The study was carried out on the association of Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T and A1298C with type 2 diabetes and prakriti. An extremely strong association between prakriti (kaphaja/kapha-pittaja) and type 2 diabetes (P < 0.00001) was detected in this study.

Studies have shown that Ayurvedic body type classification may be associated with genes of inflammation and oxidative stress factors, the rate of DNA methylation and development of cardiovascular diseases.

Influence of dosha on digestion (agni) and gut (koshtha)

The dominant dosha influences the biological processes of digestion and metabolism. It also affects the gut functions (koshtha). The digestion and gut patterns are classified into three categories based on the dominance of dosha as shown in table below.

Table 2: Influence of dosha on digestion and gut pattern [9]

Sr.No Dosha Agni (digestion pattern) Koshtha (gut pattern) Clinical picture
1 Vata Dosha Irregular digestion (Vishama agni) Hard bowel (Krura koshta) Irregular digestion, hard stools, constipation, inhibited intestinal motility, discomfort in defecation and abdominal pressure
2 Pitta Dosha Fast digestion (Tikshna agni) Soft bowel (Mrudu koshta) Fast digestion, increased sensitivity of intestinal mucosa, loose motions, frequent defecation
3 Kapha Dosha Slow digestion (Manda agni) Medium (not too soft, not too hard) bowel (Madhyam koshta) Slow and sluggish digestion, semi solid, soft consistency of stool, defecation with ease

Pathological importance

The dosha are the factors which get vitiated themselves in the initial stage of disease. Further they vitiate other body constituents (dhatu and mala). Therefore, disequilibrium of dosha is primary and fundamental cause of any disease. [Su.Sa.Sutra Sthana 21/3]