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[[Kalpa Sthana]] contains the descriptions of ''Vamaka'' and ''Rechaka'' drugs (Emetics and Purgatives). Six drugs i.e. ''Madanaphala, Jimutaka, Ikshvaku, Dhamargava, Kutaja'' and ''Kritavedhana'' are denoted for emesis while nine drugs namely ''Shyama, Trivrit, Chaturangula, Tilvaka, Mahavrikshaka, Saptala, Sankhini, Danti'' and ''Dravanti'' are described for purgation.  
[[Kalpa Sthana]] contains the descriptions of ''Vamaka'' and ''Rechaka'' drugs (Emetics and Purgatives). Six drugs i.e. ''Madanaphala, Jimutaka, Ikshvaku, Dhamargava, Kutaja'' and ''Kritavedhana'' are denoted for emesis while nine drugs namely ''Shyama, Trivrit, Chaturangula, Tilvaka, Mahavrikshaka, Saptala, Sankhini, Danti'' and ''Dravanti'' are described for purgation.  
Atreya formulated 600 emetic and purgative recipes from 15 drugs. Emetic drugs predominantly constituted by ''agni'' and ''vayu mahabhutas''. ''Rechana'' drugs constituted by ''prithvi'' and ''jala mahabhutas''. It is also observed that drugs with these ''panchabhautika'' compositions may not exert either emetic or purgative action and the activity is attributed to general principle of drug action known as ''prabhava''. ''Virya'' (a principle responsible for each and every drug action) is augmented by ''Deshasampat'' (quality of soil in which plant grows), ''Kalasampat'' (Ideal season for collecting the plant), ''Gunasampat'' (enrichment of principles of drug action) and ''Bhajanasampat'' (suitability of storage containers) contributing to maximum therapeutic effect.[1] Chakrapani comments that container to be used for storing drugs should have ''guna'' (attributes) similar to the stored drugs. Different adjuvants (''anupana'') are required to be used in accordance with ''doshas'' involved in the pathogenesis of disease during the administration of drugs. Recipes are prepared basing on the ''dravya'' (Nature of drug), ''deha'' (Physique), ''dosha'' (factor for causation of diseases), ''prakriti'' (Constitution), ''bala'' (Strength), ''satmya'' (Homologation), ''rogavastha'' (stage of the disease), ''vaya'' (age), ''agni'' (digestive and enzymatic complexes) etc[2]. Before the administration of emetic therapy ''snehana'' (oral oleation therapy) and ''svedana'' (fomentation) are mandatory. Administered drug first reaches the heart and circulated all over the body through ''dhamani'' (Blood vessels) and liquefy morbid matter (''mala'') and separate it from channels and bring them to ''koshtha''. Emetic and purgative drugs facilitate the expulsion of ''malas'' brought into ''koshtha'' from rest of the body.
Atreya formulated 600 emetic and purgative recipes from 15 drugs. Emetic drugs predominantly constituted by ''agni'' and ''vayu mahabhutas''. ''Rechana'' drugs constituted by ''prithvi'' and ''jala mahabhutas''. It is also observed that drugs with these ''panchabhautika'' compositions may not exert either emetic or purgative action and the activity is attributed to general principle of drug action known as ''prabhava''. ''Virya'' (a principle responsible for each and every drug action) is augmented by ''Deshasampat'' (quality of soil in which plant grows), ''Kalasampat'' (Ideal season for collecting the plant), ''Gunasampat'' (enrichment of principles of drug action) and ''Bhajanasampat'' (suitability of storage containers) contributing to maximum therapeutic effect.<ref>Ram Karan Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Caraka Samhita, Vol VI, Kalpasthana, Chap 1, shlok no.7, edition 2nd 2005,Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, pp. 6.</ref> Chakrapani comments that container to be used for storing drugs should have ''guna'' (attributes) similar to the stored drugs. Different adjuvants (''anupana'') are required to be used in accordance with ''doshas'' involved in the pathogenesis of disease during the administration of drugs. Recipes are prepared basing on the ''dravya'' (Nature of drug), ''deha'' (Physique), ''dosha'' (factor for causation of diseases), ''prakriti'' (Constitution), ''bala'' (Strength), ''satmya'' (Homologation), ''rogavastha'' (stage of the disease), ''vaya'' (age), ''agni'' (digestive and enzymatic complexes) etc[2]. Before the administration of emetic therapy ''snehana'' (oral oleation therapy) and ''svedana'' (fomentation) are mandatory. Administered drug first reaches the heart and circulated all over the body through ''dhamani'' (Blood vessels) and liquefy morbid matter (''mala'') and separate it from channels and bring them to ''koshtha''. Emetic and purgative drugs facilitate the expulsion of ''malas'' brought into ''koshtha'' from rest of the body.
Drugs for emesis which are ''ushna'' (hot), ''tikshna'' (sharp/penetrating),''sukshma'' (subtle), ''vyavayi'' (pervading), and ''vikashi'' (loosening), by virtue of their own potency (''swa viryena''), reach the heart and circulate throughout the body through vessels. It liquefies the mass of impurities by its ''agneya'' nature (dominance of ''agni mahabhuta'') and due to ''tikshna guna''(penetrating property) separate the adhered ''doshas'' situated in gross and subtle channels of the entire body. Consequently the separated mass floating in the oleated body like honey kept in a fat smeared vessel reaches the stomach because of its nature to move through subtle channels (''anumarga sancharitwat'') and to flow towards gastrointestinal tract (''koshta gamanonmukhatwam''). Because of the predominance of ''agni'' and ''vayu mahabhutas'' in these drugs, their specific action (''prabhava'') to move upwards and ''udana vata'', the morbid matter gets expelled through the upward tract (mouth)[3].   
Drugs for emesis which are ''ushna'' (hot), ''tikshna'' (sharp/penetrating),''sukshma'' (subtle), ''vyavayi'' (pervading), and ''vikashi'' (loosening), by virtue of their own potency (''swa viryena''), reach the heart and circulate throughout the body through vessels. It liquefies the mass of impurities by its ''agneya'' nature (dominance of ''agni mahabhuta'') and due to ''tikshna guna''(penetrating property) separate the adhered ''doshas'' situated in gross and subtle channels of the entire body. Consequently the separated mass floating in the oleated body like honey kept in a fat smeared vessel reaches the stomach because of its nature to move through subtle channels (''anumarga sancharitwat'') and to flow towards gastrointestinal tract (''koshta gamanonmukhatwam''). Because of the predominance of ''agni'' and ''vayu mahabhutas'' in these drugs, their specific action (''prabhava'') to move upwards and ''udana vata'', the morbid matter gets expelled through the upward tract (mouth)[3].