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== General treatment ==
<p style="text-align:justify;">Four main measures have been explained viz., vamana (therapeutic emesis), virechana (therapeutic purgation), virodhi dravya sevana (administration of antidotes) and samshamana (prior use of wholesome substance) for the diseases caused by intake of unwholesome food combinations. </p>
== Factors deciding effect of viruddha ahara ==
<p style="text-align:justify;">If a person is habituated to the intake of such unwholesome food combinations or if taken in very little quantity, then there will be no or less adverse effect of viruddha ahara. Deeptagni (good digestive power), taruna avastha (young age), undergone oleation therapy, having strong physique due to exercise are protective factors against viruddha ahara. In presence of these factors, adverse effect of such unwholesome food combinations is not observed. [Cha.Sa. Sutra Sthana 26/104] So, these practices can be promoted to prevent adverse effects of viruddha ahara.</p>
== Importance of knowing viruddha in healthcare ==
<p style="text-align:justify;">Viruddha Ahara i.e., improper dietic regimens or incompatible food habits, plays a major role in the pathogenesis of various diseases. The incompatible mentioned in classics are not very much in practice now a days, so attempt should be made to identify such dietary incompatibilities. The healthy and unhealthy people should be aware about such factors and must avoid them. Nidana parivarjana i.e., avoiding causative factors of disease is the first and prime treatment. For avoidance of incompatibilities the rules and regulations such as ashtavidha ahara visheshayatana (eight specific dietary guidelines), dwadash ashan pravichara (twelve principles of diet), ahara vidhi (dietary guidelines) are mentioned in Ayurveda. The need of the day is to increase awareness among the public about hazards of such incompatible foods.  </p>
== Current researches ==
<p style="text-align:justify;">The concept of viruddha ahara mentioned in classical texts is very much relevant in today’s era because of  altered life style of fast food or junk food in their daily life. Many studies have found that some dietary constitutes affect transcription of genes. Association between dietary pattern and diseases has always been a field of interest. Frequent intake of combination of incompatible food leads in to the production of toxins i.e., ama further leads to formation of ama visha (product of improper metabolism), and vitiation of rasa dhatu. It spreads to another dhatu and leads to the manifestation of various diseases. The effects of such incompatibles can be understood by following aspects. </p>
<ol type="A" style="text-align:justify;"><li style="font-weight:bold">Effects on immune system: <span style="font-weight:normal">Incompatible food combinations impart untoward effects on immune system, cellular metabolism, and Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS).<ref name="ref1">Sabnis M. Viruddha Ahara: A critical view. AYU 2012; 33:332-6</ref> Viruddha ahara if taken regularly, can cause inflammation at a molecular level, by increasing proistaglandin-2 and thromboxane by disturbing the eicosanoid pathway. This inflammatory effect is important for the basic pathologies which create agnimandya (poor digestion) or ama (undigested food metabolites) which in turns leads to number of metabolic diseases. </span></li>
<li style="font-weight:bold">Release of toxins: <span style="font-weight:normal">A recent study found that toxin called 4-hydroxy-trans-2-nonenal (HNE) forms when oil such as soyabean and sunflower oils are reheated. Consumption of foods prepared with such reheated oils increases the risks of various ailments such as stroke, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, various liver diseases and even cancer.</span></li></ol>

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