Excessively blackish/whitish/yellowish/ reddish coloration of feces, excessively hot nature (causing burning sensation in anus), excessively foul-smelling or with a mixture of different colors is indicative of bad prognosis of a disease or imminent death of the person. [Y. R. mala pariksha / 7, 10] These features are indicative of grave underlying pathologies like gastrointestinal bleeding.
Excessively blackish/whitish/yellowish/ reddish coloration of feces, excessively hot nature (causing burning sensation in anus), excessively foul-smelling or with a mixture of different colors is indicative of bad prognosis of a disease or imminent death of the person. [Y. R. mala pariksha / 7, 10]
These features are indicative of grave underlying pathologies like gastrointestinal bleeding.
===Role of feces in etiopathogenesis and clinical features of diseases===
===Role of feces in etiopathogenesis and clinical features of diseases===