Module:Protection banner/documentation

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-- This module generates documentation for Module:Protection banner.

-- Documentation class

local Documentation = {} Documentation.__index = Documentation

function Documentation:new(mainCfg, docCfg) return setmetatable({ _mainCfg = mainCfg, _docCfg = docCfg }, self) end

function Documentation:makeReasonTable() -- Get the data from the cfg.banners table. local rowData = {} for action, reasonTables in pairs(self._mainCfg.banners) do for reason, t in pairs(reasonTables) do rowData[#rowData + 1] = { reason = reason, action = action, description = t.description } end end

-- Sort the table into alphabetical order, first by action and then by -- reason. table.sort(rowData, function (t1, t2) if t1.action == t2.action then return t1.reason < t2.reason else return t1.action < t2.action end end)

-- Assemble a wikitable of the data. local ret = {} ret[#ret + 1] = '{| class="wikitable"' if #rowData < 1 then ret[#ret + 1] = '|-' ret[#ret + 1] = string.format( '| colspan="3" | %s', self._docCfg['documentation-blurb-noreasons'] ) else -- Header ret[#ret + 1] = '|-' ret[#ret + 1] = string.format( '! %s\n! %s\n! %s', self._docCfg['documentation-heading-reason'], self._docCfg['documentation-heading-action'], self._docCfg['documentation-heading-description'] ) -- Rows for _, t in ipairs(rowData) do ret[#ret + 1] = '|-' ret[#ret + 1] = string.format( '| %s\n| %s\n| %s', t.reason, t.action, t.description or ) end end ret[#ret + 1] = '|}'

return table.concat(ret, '\n') end

-- Exports

local p = {}

function p.reasonTable() local mainCfg = require('Module:Protection banner/config') local docCfg = require('Module:Protection banner/documentation/config') local documentationObj = Documentation:new(mainCfg, docCfg) return documentationObj:makeReasonTable() end

return p