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-- This module implements Template:IPAc-en.

local data = mw.loadData('Module:IPAc-en/data') local currentFrame = mw.getCurrentFrame() local p = {}

-- Global container for tracking categories local categoryHandler = require('Module:Category handler').main local categories = {}

-- Trims whitespace from a string local function trim(s) return s:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') end

-- This implements Template:Nowrap. local function makeNowrapSpan(s) local span = mw.html.create('span') :addClass('nowrap') :wikitext(s) return tostring(span) end

local function makePronunciationText(id) id = id and string.lower(trim(id)) if id and id ~= and data.pronunciation[id] then return data.pronunciation[id].text end end

-- This adds a tooltip icon to a label. It implements Template:H:title. local function makeTooltip(label, tooltip) local span = mw.html.create('span') :attr('title', tooltip) :wikitext(label) return tostring(span) end

local function formatPhonemeGroup(phonemes) if #phonemes > 0 then local span = mw.html.create('span') :css('border-bottom', '1px dotted') :wikitext(table.concat(phonemes)) return tostring(span) else return end end

local function renderCategories() local ret = ret = categoryHandler{ [1] = 'yes', -- Add categories in these namespaces main = 1, wikipedia = 1, file = 1, template = 1, help = 1, category = 1, portal = 1, book = 1, draft = 1, module = 1, }

if ret == 'yes' then ret = {} for cat in pairs(categories) do table.insert(ret, string.format(, cat)) end table.sort(ret) ret = table.concat(ret) else ret = end return ret end

function p._main(args) local ret = {} local i = 0 -- Keeps track of numbered args

-- Pronunciation do local pron = {} while true do i = i + 1 local pronItem = makePronunciationText(args[i]) if pronItem then pron[#pron + 1] = pronItem pron[#pron + 1] = ' ' else break end end if #pron > 0 then ret[#ret + 1] = string.format( '%s', table.concat(pron) ) end end

-- Phonemes do -- Loop through the numbered args, separating them into phoneme groups -- and separator strings (both called "words" for convenience). We only -- underline the phoneme groups, not the separators. local words = {} words[#words + 1] = '/' -- Opening slash i = i - 1 -- Set up i again as it was changed in the pronunciation loop local id repeat local phonemes = {} local isWordEnd = false while not isWordEnd do i = i + 1 id = args[i] id = id and trim(id) if not id then isWordEnd = true words[#words + 1] = formatPhonemeGroup(phonemes) elseif id ~= then local t = data.phonemes[id] if not t then -- We were passed an invalid id. isWordEnd = true categories["Ill-formatted IPAc-en transclusions"] = true words[#words + 1] = formatPhonemeGroup(phonemes) -- Call Template:Error local errorText = currentFrame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Template:Error', args = { string.format("[invalid input: '%s']", id) } } words[#words + 1] = makeTooltip( errorText, 'Unrecognized symbol' ) elseif not t.label then -- The data module contains bad data, so throw an error. error(string.format( "no label was found for id '%s'", tostring(id) )) elseif t.tooltip then -- We are dealing with a regular phoneme. phonemes[#phonemes + 1] = makeTooltip( t.label, t.tooltip ) else -- We are dealing with a separator. isWordEnd = true words[#words + 1] = formatPhonemeGroup(phonemes) words[#words + 1] = t.label end end end until not id words[#words + 1] = '/' -- Closing slash

-- Wrap the words in a link to IPA help. local span = mw.html.create('span') -- Suppress Navigation popups and Page Previews (aka Hovercards) :addClass('IPA nopopups noexcerpt') :wikitext(string.format( '%s', table.concat(words) ))

ret[#ret + 1] = tostring(span) end

-- Audio link do local file = and trim( if file and file ~= then if args[1] and string.lower(trim(args[1])) == 'uk' then categories["Articles including recorded pronunciations (UK English)"] = true elseif args[1] and string.lower(trim(args[1])) == 'us' then categories["Articles including recorded pronunciations (US English)"] = true else categories["Articles including recorded pronunciations (English)"] = true end

ret[#ret + 1] = currentFrame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Template:IPA audio link', args = { file } } end end

-- Nowrap and categories ret = makeNowrapSpan(table.concat(ret)) .. renderCategories()

-- Reset the categories table in case we are run again. categories = {}

return ret end

function p.main(frame) return p._main(frame:getParent().args) end

return p