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* Rajah sangena: - attachments by involvement  
* Rajah sangena: - attachments by involvement  
o Moham avigyanena:- ignorance, has no skills, without occupation, remains idol.
* Moham avigyanena:- ignorance, has no skills, without occupation, remains idol.
o Krodham abhidrohena: anger by choosing measures for revenge
o Shokam dainyena:- grief by poverty of thinking  
* Krodham abhidrohena: anger by choosing measures for revenge
o Harsham aamoden: pleasure by way of celebrations.
o Preetim Toshena:- affection by satisfaction.
* Shokam dainyena:- grief by poverty of thinking  
o Bhayam vishadena:- fear by duration and severity of anxiety.
o Dhairyam avishadena:- patience by facing adversities without fear and anxiety
* Harsham aamoden: pleasure by way of celebrations.
o Veeryam utthanena:- bravery by way of initiation of difficult task
o Avasthanam avibhramena:- stability by absence of doubts and confusions
* Preetim Toshena:- affection by satisfaction.
o Shriddha abhiprayena:- faith by purposiveness  
o Medha grahnena:- wisdom by retaining threshold
* Bhayam vishadena:- fear by duration and severity of anxiety.
o Sangya namgrahanena:- mental awakening instantaneous identification  
o Smriti smarnena:- memory by recalling ability
* Dhairyam avishadena:- patience by facing adversities without fear and anxiety
o Hriyam apatrapnena:- shy by drooping of eyelids.
o Sheelam anusheelnena:- obedience by constant following
* Veeryam utthanena:- bravery by way of initiation of difficult task
o Dvesham pratishedhena: hatred by duration of staying away
o Upadhi anubandhena:- fraudulent  attitude.
* Avasthanam avibhramena:- stability by absence of doubts and confusions
o Dhriti alaulyena:-  tolerance by long standing and non shifting attitude
o Vashyata vidheyataya:  controllability by following of righteous conduct
* Shriddha abhiprayena:- faith by purposiveness  
* Medha grahnena:- wisdom by retaining threshold
* Sangya namgrahanena:- mental awakening instantaneous identification  
* Smriti smarnena:- memory by recalling ability
* Hriyam apatrapnena:- shy by drooping of eyelids.
* Sheelam anusheelnena:- obedience by constant following
* Dvesham pratishedhena: hatred by duration of staying away
* Upadhi anubandhena:- fraudulent  attitude.
* Dhriti alaulyena:-  tolerance by long standing and non shifting attitude
* Vashyata vidheyataya:  controllability by following of righteous conduct
o Vaya kalen:- age by chronological time
o Vaya kalen:- age by chronological time
o Bhakti deshen :- liking a place, person and surroundings with opportunistic intentions.
o Bhakti deshen :- liking a place, person and surroundings with opportunistic intentions.